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You’ll be back in the future. Somehow, that sounds familiar. Well, it’s certainly got a ring to it. Anyway; mis-quoted 80s movie titles and catchphrases aside, our recovery from Covid-19 continues and it won’t be long until we’re pretty much all back in the workplace.

The majority of businesses will have now put suitable measures in place to reduce transmission and ensure distancing. But many premises will have been closed since lock-down. And will only now be thinking about what they need to do prior to re-opening their doors.

With the beauty industry now operating, gyms and other sports facilities receiving the tentative green light later in the month. And schools, colleges and universities set to return in September after the mother of all summer holidays. On site safety remains an urgent consideration and Tennants UK are here to help.

You’ll be back re-opening before you know it, and our Covid-19 Essentials will help you get ready. Our Return to Work product range, includes desk sneeze guards, floor graphics, signs, demarcation equipment with sanitising and hygiene products.

Covid-19 Return to Work Product Range - PDF