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Spring into 23 and get your hands on a brand new 23 Registration Plate by buying a car from your local dealership or a Personal Reg Online.

We all start to breathe a sigh of relief at this time of year, as the end of winter is finally glimpsed over the horizon and spring becomes more than a distant fantasy. As well as lighter nights and a chance to turn the heating off, March also brings the new 23 registration. So all you car dealers, motor factors and garages; stock up now on your number plate components so you’re prepared for what we hope will be a bumper month for the industry.

At the time of each new registration, we often publish a witty piece about the meaning of the number being introduced. However, after a brief period of research, we’ve established that the number 23 is associated with Uranus, representative of eccentricity and unpredictability. It also – apparently – signifies both new beginnings and apocalyptic prophecies and endings. And if that’s not contradiction enough, some believe it symbolises good fortune, whilst others associate it with bad luck.

Let’s call the whole thing off. The Number 23: is whatever you want it to be!