Pentagon Switch to Enviro-Plate for Sustainability

Pentagon Motor Group Transforms their Number Plate Production with Enviro-Plate

Pentagon switch to Enviro-Plate and cemented their position as an environmentally conscious & operationally efficient business.

The Background

Leading automotive retailer, Pentagon Motor Group – part of the Motus Group (UK), aimed to enhance sustainability while optimising costs in its number plate production operations. After a thorough evaluation Pentagon’s switch to Enviro-Plate, Tennants UK’s sustainable construction, was driven by several key factors.


  • Reduce impact by minimising the use of virgin materials.
  • Enhance the cost-efficiency of number plate production.
  • Improve the overall durability & number plate quality.
  • Streamline production, minimise waste & improve efficiency.
Pentagon Switch to Enviro-Plate
Pentagon Oldham Vauxhall Showroom

The Solution

Tennants Enviro-Plate

Enviro-Plate uses a backing plate composed of 90% Recycled ABS, significantly reducing the use of virgin resources, and aligning with Pentagon’s commitment to environmental, sustainable initiatives. Switching construction also results in cost efficiencies for components and consumables related to print and production.

In addition to its sustainability & cost-effectiveness, Enviro-Plate offers high durability and impact resistance, ensuring long-lasting performance and reducing the frequency of replacements. Another substantial advantage is a reduction in component wastage, printed film helps streamline production and enhances resource efficiency. Furthermore, Enviro-Plate is designed for easy installation and customisation, ultimately improving operational efficiency for Pentagon’s aftersales staff.

Locally Sourced Recycled ABS Backings

The Result

Pentagon Switch to Enviro-Plate to enhance Sustainability & Efficiency

Pentagon Motor Group’s transition to Tennants UK’s Enviro-Plate has produced numerous benefits, including enhanced sustainability through reduced environmental impact and waste. Improved cost efficiency across their plate production and operational processes. This decision not only underscores their commitment to environmental responsibility, but also reinforces Pentagon’s reputation as an industry leader in automotive retail.

“Switching to the Enviro-Plate system has been a game-changer for us at Pentagon Motor Group. I’m incredibly happy with its performance and durability, which gives me great reassurance in our choice. The sustainability aspect aligns perfectly with our values, and there have been economic improvements as well. Based on our own experience, I can recommend Enviro-Plate to any automotive dealership looking to enhance its aftersales offering while prioritising its environmental responsibility.”

Nick LockerAftersales Director, Pentagon Motor Group