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Number Plate Software

Our Number Plate Software combines standards compliant builders and DVLA record keeping.

Number Plate Software for Plate Design, RNPS Records & Online Orders

Our software is a key part of our number plate printing systems. Since it ensures designs are standards compliant and records all activity. As well as being the foundation for our made up plates service. Where we use it to process and print customers online orders.

So it’s vital it scales up from a single supplier all the way to multiple branches with managerial oversight. In fact, this is why we use in-house developers to code and maintain it. Then we can factor changes to the regulations into our updates. Not to mention fix bugs and develop new features requested by clients, such as bulk order imports. But to get your hands on it, you’ll need to be trade customer.

LG Plates

LG Plates is our legal number plate software built for streamlined production. Yet it still combines a BSAU 145e Compliant Builder & RNPS Log. And features more advanced options like user logins & production monitoring.

  • BSAU 145e compliant plates builder.
  • Includes all legal plate elements.
  • Features standard & custom sizes.
  • Supports corporate templates & branding.
  • Handles single, paired and batch printing.
  • Includes a DVLA compliant records facility.
  • Supports sync & reports via Central.
  • Windows Active Directory integration.

For the best performance LG Software requires a full, valid and up-to-date Windows 10/11 OS. Included with each printing solution, a minimum spend is needed for free software upgrades, support & licence renewal. If you are looking for a user guide or overview of our number plate software try our Knowledge Base articles.

Software usage & licence Terms & Conditions apply – our LG Software Licence Agreement.

LG Signs

More complex items like shaped plates & custom signs needs LG Signs. Which, because it’s restriction free, allows you to design using multiple images and fonts. But is still compatible with our number plate components.

  • Standards & restriction free design.
  • Produces Shaped & Irish number plates.
  • Design showroom, vehicle & POS signs.
  • Create custom signs & promotional media.
  • Print onto our Sign or Plate components.
  • Includes RNPS Log for records keeping.
  • Supports Centralised reporting with Central.

Tennants Central

Central is our online portal for records storage and made up plates. Sync your RNPS & print records for safety and monitor your entire production. Or manage your made up plate orders and delivery locations, at any time.

  • Sync software RNPS records & print data.
  • Dashboards & reports provide oversight.
  • Place Made Up Plates orders online.
  • Supports bulk ordering & delivery.
  • Utilises ISO 27001 data security systems.
  • Access is restricted and role-based.
  • Browser based, so it's device responsive.

Coded for Secure & Professional Production

BS145e & GDPR Compliant

Compliance is at the heart of all our number plate software and services. Be it our plate builder that’s designed to enforce British Standards. Or its record keeping log which meets Data Protection and GDPR regulations. Not to mention satisfying DVLA requirements on supply.

Batch Production Runs

We built our Plates software with single and high volume production in mind. So our software’s ability to scale up is vital in meeting any demand. Not just for our clients, but for our own in-house production needs as well.

Showroom Signs

Our Signs software allows you to design custom showroom plates and other simple point-of-sale items. Thanks to its restriction free design tools. And it features support for printing onto our plate media for improved durability.

Safe & Secure Production

With our LG Software suite, unique user log-ins and automated time-outs come as standard. Syncing RNPS & print records to our Central portal is a great way to secure your data against loss. Plus it unlocks remote managerial oversight of your entire plate production. View Dashboard graphs & reports for a complete overview of each location. Assured that our ISO 27001 data security systems keeps your sensitive data private but accessible.