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Welcome to our new Customer Development Manager, Tracey Evison as she eases in to her position at Tennants UK.

Our new Customer Development Manager Tracey Evison eases in

It’s been a couple of months now since our new Customer Development Manager, Tracey Evison, joined us, so a belated welcome from us all!

Tracey will be heading up Customer Service for the entire group, so good luck with that (as our regular customers will confirm, we have some interesting, erm … characters; let’s just say characters … in our C.S. teams). Call us cynical, but we tend to hold off heralding new arrivals until they’ve settled in. Who’s to say they’re going to like us? Nothing more awkward than welcoming a new team member only to be saying goodbye a fortnight later, right?

That Tracey, though; she’s a keeper.