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Children’s Mental Health Week takes place this week between 6-12 February with the theme Let’s Connect.

With all the disruption to services from strikes & pandemics, it’s easy to forget the effects on younger people. After all, school is where children learn how to connect and interact with others. Not to mention make friends and form bonds that provide practical and emotional support.

Children’s Mental Health Week raises awareness & encourages people to connect in healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways. To mark the start, the Princess of Wales visited a primary school to discuss the importance of connecting with others. You can visit their website for resources and information. Or go to Place2Be and make a donation.

Play Video

The Princess of Wales & Children’s Mental Health Week

Nethergate Academy

And while we’re on the subject of children’s needs and connections, we’re delighted to announce we’ll be supporting Nethergate Academy this year. Nethergate provide a high-quality education for young people with special educational needs. While enabling their pupils to grow in an atmosphere of mutual respect and enthusiasm.

We hope to support them throughout 2023 with fundraising, donated time, work experience, factory tours and more. Keep an eye on our blog and social media for news of our efforts.