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Tennants Business Continuity Update

Tennants UK Business Continuity Update:

Further to our previous Coronavirus article regarding our suspension of field based activities and visitors. We’ve decided to provide you with regular updates on our supply and service. We will update you as the situation develops. But rest assured we are fully committed to you, our client base.

We thank you for your continued loyalty and support – be safe.

Thursday 04/06

Service Update:
As things steadily return to some kind of normality throughout the nation. We are delighted to report that we are once again operating at full strength. In fact, with our new Covid-19 Return to Work product range, it could be said that not only are we back. But back better than ever. And capable of satisfying even more of your needs than before.

Of course, respecting the ongoing crisis is still of paramount importance. So we have adapted our working practices to ensure our staff and visitors is as safe as possible. Click the button below for a document explaining the measures we have implemented.

Changes in Working Procedures (PDF)

Wednesday 13/05

Service Update:
Following the latest Government announcements, Tennants are up to 80% staff levels. And working to best practice with regards to social distancing and enhanced health & safety measures. To achieve this we’ve introduced new shifts and extended the working day/week. This way less of our staff are onsite at any one time.

There may still be some delay is dispatching orders due to carrier collection and delivery times. So please allow extra time when ordering your stock. All our field sales activity is still suspended however. But we are booking service calls, subject to hygiene and social distancing protocols being agreed. After all we want everyone on site to stay safe.

Automotive News:
The NFDA have been working closely with Government Departments, preparing for car dealerships to re-open. Many in the sector have welcomed this chance to begin the recovery after the lock-down. Source:

Most non-essential retail is also to be permitted again after the 1st June. As part of Phase 2 of the plan, please check the latest information at

Return to Work Pack:
Our new Covid-19 range is in high demand. And customers like Trust Ford, have used our Desk Guards to protect their customer facing areas.

Trust Fords - full service reception with guards

Our Return to Work range of products  allows you to create one-way systems, waiting zones and protect your working areas. For more information contact our sales team on 0115 9738080 or email us at Many of the items can be seen on

JGBestwicks using Covid-19 Essentials

Friday 24/04 Update

As the Covid-19 crisis and lock-down continues, we want to reassure customers that we are operating as normal. Whilst observing best practices and fulfilling our key supplier duties. Field based activities are restricted but we remain committed to serving our client base:

Number Plates:
We want to remind customers that our online Made-Up Plates service is still in operation. And it continues to supply clients with finished number plates. We also continue to provide a full component supply and your orders can be placed via the office or online > NP Shop. In news, the DVLA has just released a new version of their INF104 Leaflet which has an update to the 40 year rule for classic plates.

Highway Equipment & Reflective
As you can see from the images below, we have produced a wide range of bespoke Covid-19 Signage. This range highlights the importance of social distancing and identifies staff as key workers.

Tennants business continuity update - 24 April

We have also developed a Covid-19 Back to Work Pack. That features a selection of signage, floor graphics, stickers and sneeze guards. To help enforce your Covid-19 safety measures on-site. Ideal for those still trading or retail stores looking to re-open to the public. Check out the PDF below for a brochure with item details.

Covid-19 Back to Work Brochure (PDF)

Please contact us for detailed information or trade pricing on the items above. Or to see how we are helping the fight against Covid-19 while supporting essential businesses, but remember to allow a little longer for deliveries.

Be socially aware, stay safe.

Tuesday 14/04 Update

Covid-19 Update to our Customers
As the Covid-19 crisis and lockdown continues, Tennants would like to reassure you of the steps that we’re taking internally. While minimising disruption to our services and commitment to you, our customers.

Following on from the letters received from Highways England – click here. And from Alok Sharma Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy – click here. We remain functional with two-thirds of our staff operational. And we’re still processing orders as a key supplier to Highways England, Local Authorities, Utility, Traffic Management and Motor Trade companies UK wide. To ensure continuation of supply we are adhering to the following best practice steps:

  • Trade Supply only, no contact with the general public
  • No external visitors allowed
  • Dispatch by couriers
  • Staff working at least 2m apart
  • Regular hand washing and cleaning of work areas

Service & Supply:
Our staff who are able to work from home are doing so. But meanwhile our lines of communication remain unchanged. Customer services and production are continuing and stocks remain healthy. Indeed, our reflective vinyl supplier Orafol Germany are still in full production. And our scheduled deliveries continue to arrive as normal.

As you can see from the images below, we have produced a wide range of bespoke Covid-19 Signage. That highlight the importance of social distancing and identifying staff as key workers.

TennanstUK Covid-19 signage projects

Please contact us for further information or pricing on the above range in the fight against Covid-19. And remember to allow a little longer for your delivery.
Stay safe.

Monday 06/04 Update

Work Goes On
Tennants continue to supply signage & equipment for Highways England, Traffic Management, Utility Companies and Local Councils to keep our road passenger and freight transport and all utility services operating during the Covid-19 response.

You can see some examples below of designs we’ve produced for companies carrying out these vital works.

Tennantsuk Covid-19 signs for key workers

We have also produced bespoke Covid-19 Signage, highlighting the importance of social distancing and identifying staff as key workers. Please contact us for further information on the services we offer in the fight against Covid-19 and our support for essential businesses.

Tuesday 31/03 Update

There is still uncertainty on which businesses are allowed to continue trading and which are not. Tennants continue to utilise our right to trade as we are supplying signage to, amongst others, Local Councils, Highways Contractors, Traffic Management Companies etc. We are also supplying Number Plates to the Motor Trade as garages, MOT centres and some retailers remain open. The DVLA consider a Number Plate to be an essential security and identification item that needs to have controlled supply channels to the trade and public.

The official Government advice on businesses that should close and the exceptions that can remain open can be found at –

The website above lists the following companies within our industry as exceptions to closure: Car garages & MOT services, hardware shops and bicycle shops. It’s up to each business to make a judgement call on whether they fit into the above categories but Halfords, Euro Car Parts and Motor Parts Direct amongst others have decided that they should continue to trade.

In England, Environmental Health and Trading Standards officers will monitor compliance with these regulations, with police support provided if appropriate, if in doubt we recommend you contact these Government bodies for advice.

Highways England Update
Confirmation has just been received from Highways England defining key workers as “those who will keep the air, water, road and rail passenger and freight transport systems operating during the Covid-19 response, including those working on transport systems through which supply chains pass”. This includes the Highways England supply chain – more here (PDF).

In the meantime, Tennants continue to provide support to our trade customers whilst implementing the recommended best working practices, including –

  • Trade Supply only, no contact with the general public
  • No visitors allowed
  • Dispatch by couriers
  • Staff working at least 2m apart
  • Regular hand washing and cleaning of work areas

We will continue to update you as the situation progresses.

Wednesday 25/03 Update

As the Covid-19 crisis deepens and the country enters a degree of lock-down, Tennants would like to reassure our customers that we are still continuing business pretty much as usual.

Service & Supply:
Our staff who are able to work from home are doing so, but the lines of communication remain unchanged. Customer services and production are continuing and stocks remain healthy. Indeed, Orafol Germany are still at full production and our deliveries continue to arrive as normal.

Most notably, as a key supplier to Highways England, Local Authorities, Traffic Management companies, Garages and Accident Repair centres, we can claim our right to continue trading for as long as the country’s infrastructure remains functional. If you have any specific concerns, please contact the office, but in the meantime, remember to allow a little longer for deliveries. And if you are a Number Plate customer and don’t already have a shop account, open one now.

Stay safe.  Further updates to follow.

Monday 23/03 Update

As Covid-19 continues to strengthen its hold on the nation, we at Tennants, like every other business, are working hard to ensure the minimum of disruption is experienced by our customers. This is the latest update regarding our service and supply.

A few notable points since our last update:

  • Tennants are operating normal working hours with full staff allocation.
  • Certain members of staff will begin working from home in the coming days & weeks.
  • Any updated or temporary contact details will be announced, as and when necessary.
  • Our component and material stocks are healthy, so meeting demand won’t be an issue.
  • Orafol Germany, are working as normal at full capacity and we continue to receive deliveries twice-weekly.
  • Some logistics providers are reducing next day services, so please get your orders in well before stocks are depleted.

Number Plate Customers
If there’s a chance you may be working from home in the near future, you may find ordering your components from our online shop more convenient. If you haven’t already opened an account, go to and follow the simple steps.

Keep an eye open for further updates, but in the meantime, Tennants can assure our loyal customers of our continued service and support as we work together in the highways and automotive industries to get through these trying times.

Thursday 19/03 Update

As part of our promise to keep you updated with any relevant news regarding COVID-19 developments, we have another update. We’re continuing with our suspension of field based activities and the receiving of visitors. And we strongly request you phone or email us using our established contact points.

Service & Supply:
We’ve been informed from our pallet services that all deliveries will be on a 2 – 3 day service until further notice.  Please monitor your levels and allow extra time for delivery.

Wednesday 18/03 Update

Following on from yesterday’s update, our Management Team would like to reassure customers further about the planning and structure that goes into managing our major stock lines.

Service & Supply:
As the UK’s Master Stockist of Oralite Reflective Vinyl, we hold over 3 months’ supply across all the major product groups with more coming through the pipeline. Orafol Germany, have again this morning confirmed that their manufacturing lines have not been affected and production is running as normal.

Our carriers have this morning notified us that they cannot guarantee next day delivery and we would urge you to manage your own stock accordingly and allow extra time.

Tuesday 17/03 Update

Service & Supply:
Our staff levels have not been impacted, we are currently trading as normal and fulfilling all orders on time. So, other than an attempt to minimise the risk of transmission, it’s pretty much business as usual. We hold considerable stocks of raw materials and with our distributor status, expect no supply issues at this time.

Our carriers have provided assurance that their services will continue as normal for the foreseeable future. So all your orders will be processed and dispatched with the rapidity you’re used to.

We’ll keep you up to date with any changes right here. This website will be maintained daily, so any supply updates will be posted here. In the meantime, you may wish to review your stock levels to ensure your own supply is adequate, should the situation worsen over coming weeks.